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Get ready for total transformation!

 Wake up & feel good every day.

Practices to guide you along your personal wellness journey. 

Aligning mind, body & soul,

you'll step into a life that feels good,

a life of ease, joy, vitality & abundance. 

You have the power to create a life you love! 

Connecting your mind, body & soul is the most empowering action you can take!

Being in this state of alignment creates peace, flow, ease & an unshakeable confidence in who you are! 

I 've poured my heart into this collective because these are all the tools that have transformed my own life. A life of feeling good, joyful, healthy, energized, peaceful , intentional, abundant & fulfilled!  And I know you can feel this way too! 

As a Member of Empowered, you receive:

  • Monthly Live Sessions

  • PLUS-Unlimited access to a growing library of Breath-work, Meditation & Qigong sessions

  • Bonus content with Guest Experts

  • Member discounts on all my workshops & events

  • Private FaceBook Community of like-minded souls to engage with & cheer you on in your Emnpowered journey!